Monday, June 28, 2010

They call him Flipper

So, I am currently pregnant for the second time. Right now I am 13 weeks pregnant which means that baby #2 is the size of a medium goldfish. This particular size comparison cracks me up. Comparing your fetus to fruit is bad enough, but a medium goldfish?? Just call him "Flipper". Flipper may have to do, we really haven't thought of anything to call this baby while it is in utero. We weren't exactly creative with the last one either, we just called her "Hey Baby". My daughter did give one suggestion. She thinks there are two babies in there(she is wrong by the way) and she named them Manny and Ellie. Those are the names of the wooly mammoth dinosaurs from Ice Age (Ray Romano and Queen Latifa). I'm not sold on the whole Manny and Ellie idea, but I'm not ready to settle on flipper either. We are going to have to come up with something, so the search continues.

My daughter is two and a half and she is really an awesome kid. She is very funny and pretty smart for a two year old. She makes me feel all "Yeah I made her myself. I'm awesome." You would think I would be way excited to produce another one, but for some reason the thought of having a second baby is freaking me the hell out. The whole thing is making me wonder if I can live up to the pressure. I mean one tiny human that my husband and I have to take care of is hard enough, two of them is twice as bad. Just the thought of it makes me nervous, and fairly certain I will never sleep again.

If there was one area of parenting we failed miserably at it would be the part where you teach the kid to sleep in their own damn bed. First of all my daughter never (and I do mean NEVER) slept through the night. She is soon to be three and still wakes up at least once a night. Every time I hear a parent talking about "Oh my two week old sleeps 15 hours in a row, and doesn't need any bottles, and never wakes up crying." It takes everything in me to restrain myself from punching them in the throat. Secondly, we never got her to sleep in her own bed. She slept in a crib just fine, but once she was big enough to crawl out of it we were never alone again. It's a miracle we are even having a second baby since we have a 25 pound lump of two year old between us every night. I am really hoping to be better at this whole sleeping thing the second time around. Not too sure it's gonna work.